Northern Spring Salamander (Gyrinophilus porphyriticus)
Photograph: Derek Yorks
Maine Amphibians & Reptiles
2025 Lyceum Lecture Series
Thursdays, March 13, 20, and 27
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Hallowell City Auditorium
1 Winthrop St. Hallowell, ME
KLT’s March lyceum and the associated field programs are supported by The Helen and George Ladd Family and sponsored by the
Maine Association of Conservation Commissions. MACC empowers communities to protect Maine’s natural resources through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
The Kennebec Land Trust’s 2025 Lyceum Lecture Series will focus on Maine’s native reptiles and amphibians, their habitats, and ongoing conservation efforts. This year’s lectures will be led by experts in the field, offering in-depth discussions on the ecology, threats, and management of these species.
On March 13, Matt Chatfield, Ph.D. will explore the natural history and conservation of wood turtles in Maine. Although the state is home to six species of freshwater turtles, the wood turtle is particularly notable for its intelligence, unique life history, and role in Maine’s ecosystems. While populations are declining throughout much of the eastern United States, Maine remains a stronghold for this species. Dr. Chatfield’s research team has spent nearly a decade studying wood turtles, uncovering new insights into their ecology and behavior. His presentation will highlight the importance of habitat conservation and ongoing efforts to protect these remarkable turtles.
On March 20, Greg LeClair, Ph.D. will discuss the challenges facing amphibians in Maine and beyond. Amphibians were the first vertebrates to move onto land over 370 million years ago, yet today they are among the most threatened groups of animals in the world. Globally, 41 percent of amphibian species face extinction. While Maine’s 18 native species are not currently endangered, many are vulnerable to habitat loss, disease, climate change, and other pressures. Dr. LeClair will provide an overview of Maine’s frogs and salamanders, their ecological roles, and the conservation strategies that can help protect them.
On March 27, Derek Yorks, M.Sc. will present findings from the Maine Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Project (MARAP), a long-term citizen science initiative that has gathered data on the distribution of Maine’s herpetofauna since 1984. MARAP is one of the longest-running community-driven herpetological atlas projects in the country, with contributions from thousands of volunteers. The database now contains over 20,000 records representing 35 species. Dr. Yorks will share insights from this extensive dataset, discuss patterns in species distribution, and highlight remaining knowledge gaps that could inform future conservation work.
Fisher, Bree Furfey Vermont Fish and Wildlife
Maine Mammals and Their Habitats
2024 Lyceum Lecture Series
March 14, March 21, & March 28
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Winthrop High School Auditorium
Join Kennebec Land Trust for our annual winter lecture series to learn more about Maine mammals and their habitats from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. KLT’s winter lectures are modeled on the early New England lyceums that began in 1826 in Massachusetts.
Email Marie at or call 207-377-2848 for more information.
Directions: From Route 41 in Winthrop, turn onto Rambler Way to the Winthrop High School. Once inside, follow the signs for the Performing Arts Center.
**New this year** The lectures will also be available on Zoom. For the best experience, we recommend attending in person, but please contact Marie at if you'd like the Zoom link.
Monitoring Maine’s Fisher and Marten Populations
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Zoom Recording Available - Please email Marie at
Shevenell Webb
Wildlife Biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
What do we know about fisher and marten?
How is MDIFW gathering information to strengthen the management of these species?
What are some of the early results from the camera study?
American marten, MDIFW
Deer in Maine, Past to Present
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Zoom Recording Available - Please email Marie at
Nathan Bieber
Wildlife Biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
History of deer populations in Maine from pre-colonial time to the present
Current status of white-tailed deer in Maine
Data supporting the management of white-tailed deer
White-tailed deer, Jeff Cherry
Bats of Maine
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Cory Stearns
Small Mammal Biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Bat biology
MDIFW’s bat monitoring project and the status of Maine’s eight bat species
What landowners can do to benefit bats
Little brown bat, MDIFW
Supported by The Helen and George Ladd Family and sponsored by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW)
All talks are free and open to the public.
Email Marie at or call
207-377-2848 for more information
Past Lyceum Programs
2023 Lyceum: Maine's State Parks and Public Lands - Conserving Nature, Managing People, and Embracing the Future 2023 Program Brochure
2022 Lyceum: Maine Medicinal Plants: Cultural Uses, Ecology and Botany, 2022 Lyceum Program Brochure
2021 Lyceum: Virtual Introduction to Maine Medicinal Plants: Cultural Uses, Ecology and Botany
2020 Lyceum: CANCELED Maine Medicinal Plants: Cultural Uses, Ecology and Botany, 2020 Lyceum Program Brochure
2019 Lyceum: Maine Insects: Ecology & Conservation, sponsored by the Maine Entomological Society, 2019 Lyceum Program Brochure
2018 Lyceum: Maine Amphibians & Reptiles, sponsored by Colby College Biology Department, 2018 Lyceum Program Brochure
2017 Lyceum: Maine Birds from Katahdin to Merrymeeting Bay..and Everywhere Else in Between, sponsored by the Augusta Birding Club, 2017 Lyceum Program Brochure
2016 Lyceum: Maine's Streams and RIvers and their Ecology, sponsored by the Nature Conservancy 2016 Lyceum Program Brochure
Video by Norm Rodrigue © 2015
2015: The History, Geology, and Ecology of Howard Hill, 2015 Lyceum Brochure
2014: The Breeding and Foraging Habitats of Some Maine Migrants, 2014 Lyceum Brochure
2013: Maine Mammals and their Habitats, sponsored by Stantec and supported by Robert, Lincoln and Gloria Ladd
2012: Aquatic Biodiversity, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy and supported by Robert, Lincoln and Gloria Ladd
2010: People and the Land: Natural Resources, Natural Features, and Culture; sponsored by the Maine Geological Survey and the Geological Society of Maine
2009: Forest Stewardship in Maine, New England, and the World: Conserving forestland for the next generation, sponsored by the Maine Forest Service
2008: Conservation in Maine: Learning from the Past, a View over the Next Ridge, sponsored by the Maine Community Foundation
2007: Wetlands Ecology & Conservation, sponsored by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
2006: Beyond the Boulders: Understanding the Geology and Stone Walls of Kennebec Land Trust Conservation Lands, sponsored by the Vaughan Homestead Foundation, Hallowell, ME
2005: Landscape Painting and Conservation, sponsored by the Kennebev Valley Art Association (KVAA)
2004: Lessons in Ecology, Botany and History, sponsored by the Wayne Area Garden Club and the Ladd Recreation Center
2003: Birds in our Communities, Lessons in Ecology, Ornithology and History, sponsored by a grant from the Helen and George Ladd Charitable Corporation