Current Conservation Campaigns

Nancy’s Bog, Norm Rodrigue

DeAngelis Family Conservation Area Stewardship Fund

The Kennebec Land Trust (KLT) is pleased to announce that we are working with the DeAngelis family to conserve 86 acres of fields, woodland, and wetlands on the Sturtevant Hill Road. The DeAngelis’s will continue to own this land which will be the future home of Tyler DeAngelis and Anne McKee, but KLT will hold a conservation easement on the land in perpetuity.

As KLT evaluated this property, we came to appreciate its many wildlife, water quality, agricultural, scenic, and recreational values. Protecting the highly valuable prime farmland soils of the hilltop fields and the Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat connected to Dead Stream and Maranacook Lake are priorities for KLT. We are also inspired by the potential for public access to ski trails – a future goal for the landowner.

To make a donation or to learn more about this campaign click here.